Live Church Media Vault

View our recorded videos below

Favorite Live Encoders

video - We take a quick look at software and hardware live encoders and share our opinion on them as well as one we don't like on this episode of the Church Solutions Podcast.

Tech Team vs Worship Team

video - Judah Thomas has extensive experience as a tech director and now senior pastor. He shares ways to bridge the gap between your tech team and worship team on this episode on the Church Solutions Podcast.

Technology and Church

video - Dr. Rick Livingood shares thoughts on technology and the church, where we've been, where were are going on the Church Solutions Podcast with Steve Lacy and Phil Thompson

Overcoming the Summertime Giving Slump

video - Summertime does not have to be a downer for giving. Phil and Steve share some ideas to help giving be strong during the summer for your church.

Are You a Good Steward or Just Cheap?

video - Justin Firesheets from Church of the Highlands, talks with Phil and Steve about the difference between being a good steward and cheap on the Church Solutions Podcast.

Should Churches Use Facebook?

video - Phil and Steve look at the Pros and Cons of churches using Facebook including the rumors of Facebook censorship.

Keys to Effective Follow Up

video- Your Easter service would be a waste if you did not have effect follow up for those that visited for the first time. Phil Thompson and Michael Gray share some ideas to getting people to come back after Easter on the Church Solutions Podcast.

Is There A Place to be Yourself?

video - What if you could find an place you could be free to be yourself and discuss important topics without judgement? Barney Murray is our guest as he shares about The Living Room and how it changes lives on the Church Solutions Podcast.

Streaming Ideas for Easter 2021

video - Easter is one of the most important Sundays. Phil and Steve share creative ideas for streaming your Easter 2021 services on the Church Solutions Podcast.

Should Churches Have Goals?

video - Paul Steinbrueck from speaks with Phil and Steve about goals that churches should have and should not have on the Church Solutions Podcast.

New Product for Churches!

video - Today we launch a new product/tool for churches called This enables churches to use Alexa's Flash Briefing to connect with people every day.

Why Your Livestream Still Matters

video - Phil Cooke, TV, film producer and best-selling author, shares about the vital importance of streaming video, for churches, even as the pandemic problems decrease in 2021.

PTZ Cameras and Your Church

video - Stephen Heywood from PTZOptics talks with Phil, Steve and Michael about PTZ cameras and their many features.

Live Streaming vs VOD - Which is better for your church?

video - Phil and Steve speak with Emmy Award winning Matthew Fridg about the pros and cons of live vs OnDemand video

How It Started!

video -'s roots go back 20 years as we talk with CEO and Founder Steve Lacy about how and why we got started.

Why Internet Cookies?

video - What and and why do i want Internet Cookies? Steve, Phil and Michael look at what internet cookies are and why they are of value, especially if you do streaming video.

What's in a Name?

video - Steve Lacy and Phil Thompson share the story of and the challenges with their name in today's streaming video world.

Answers to the Challenge of Ministry and Marriage

video- Clay Arnold from HeartLife Coaching speaks with Phil and Michael about the challenge of ministry and marriage and how we can have success in both.

Streaming Tips for Small Churches

video - Paul Alan Clifford shares important tips for small churches doing streaming video with Phil Thompson and Steve Lacy

Advice For Churches Using Digital Technology

Dr. Heidi A Campbell, author and Professor of Communication at Texas A&M University is Steve and Phil's guest as they discuss how different religions have approached digital technology.

Mistakes Churches are Making when Streaming Live

video- Phil Thompson and Steve Lacy interview Kenny Jahng from about the big mistakes churches make when streaming live on the Church Solutions Podcast.

Does Your Church have the Correct Perspective?

video - Phil and Mike speak with Eddy Smith from the Tharseo Group about churches understanding their mission and getting the proper perspective during these difficult times.

Creative Ideas for Content for Your Church Media

video - Phil and Steve speak with Rachel Baird from Abundant Life Brazilian Church on creating content for church media.

How We Can Find Peace in a Divided Nation and Church

video - Author David Drum shares ways we can bridge the divide in our nation and churches on this episode of the Church Solutions Podcast with Phil Thompson and Michael Gray.

Ideas for Christmas Online Services

video - Ideas on creating a great online Christmas Service with Phil Thompson and Steve Lacy.

How to Re-Enter Church with Covid -19

video - Executive Pastor Sharon Iuliano shares their plan to allow people back into their church for services during Covid -19 with Phil Thompson and Steve Lacy on the Church Solutions Podcast

SCTV Message from Steve Lacy

this is the message that was recorded by Evan Grae Davis.

10 Ways to Improve Your Streaming Video

video - Phil Thompson and Steve Lacy look at 10 simple ways to improve streaming video for your church on this episode of the Church Solutions Podcast.

Why You Should Care About Reviews for your Church!

video - Steve, Michael and Phil share the importance of online reviews and why it matters for your church!

How To Find Help for Your Church

Video - Matt Lombardi and Rachel Baird talk about one of the biggest challenges ministry leaders face is finding the right people. Shaar allows you to work with exceptional talent when and how you need it on the Church Solutions Podcast.

How to Engage Volunteers During Covid -19

video - We speak with author Jonathan Malm about staying connected with your church volunteers during the pandemic and about the new book, The Volunteer Effect.

What Impact Has Coronvirus had on Churches?

video - Greg Atkinson is our guest as we talk about the impact the Corona Virus has had on the Church on this edition of the Church Solutions Podcast.

Closed Captioning for Churches

video - Phil and Steve speak with Matt Cook from Aberdeen Broadcast Services on the topic of closed captioning for churches.

Pastoring During the Pandemic

video - Bobby Williams is Phil's guest as we discuss how Covid 19 has changed the way we do church and pastor people on this episode of the Church Solutions Podcast.

Why Audio is More Important Than Video (in streaming)

video - Michael Gray and Phil Thompson look at common problems with audio in streaming video and share answers to improve your online experience.

Seven Predictions About Church in 2025

video- Steve, Michael and Phil look at Paul maxwell's article, Church After COVID: 7 Predictions for How the Church Will Change by 2025 and discuss it's relevance.

Measuring Your Effectiveness of Your Outreach

video- Johnny Wyatt from the J3 Effect speaks with Phil, Steve and Mike about 5 things you should measure when it comes to your outreach marketing.

7 Shifts Churches Churches Must Make for the New Normal

video- Phil Thompson and Steve Lacy look at important shifts all churches should be making during the pandemic that will have lasting effects.

How To Beat Online Fatigue

video - We look at stats from Barna regarding online viewership during Covid-19 and discuss how to keep online viewers.

A Pastor's Perspective on the Pandemic

video - Pastor Josh Reich shares his perspective on the pandemic and doing ministry with Phil, Steve and Michael on this Church Solutions Podcast.

Eight Things an Online Host Can Add to Your Streaming

video- Phil Thompson, Steve Lacy and Michael Gray share eight things a good online host can bring to your church streaming events.

Using Zoom for Churches

Video - Is Zoom a good option for your church to use, especially during Covid-19 times? Phil Thompson, Steve Lacy and Michael Gray explore the features of Zoom for churches.

Meet Michael Gray, He can help Your Church in Many Ways

video - Phil speaks with Michael Gray and although he's the newest member of the StreamingChurch team, he's been doing streaming video and other leadership duties for many years.

Streaming with ProPresenter 7

video - Phil Thompson speaks with church tech guru Paul Alan Clifford about ProPresenter 7 and it's ability to do live streaming video in this edition of the Church Solutions Podcast

Important Things to think About Before Reopening for Churches

video- Phil, Steve and Mike discuss some vital questions about what your church might be missing when considering reopening during Covid-19.

Creative Ways to Stay Connected for Church

video - Eight Creative Ways to Stay Connected for Church During Covid 19 is all about helping those who are not ready to come back to church during this pandemic. Hosted by Phil Thompson, Steve Lacy and Michael Gray.

Six Ways to Increase Social media Presence for Church

video - Steve, Phil and Michael share six ways you can increase your church's social media presence during covid - 19 on this edition of the Church Solutions Podcast.

Seven Myths of Streaming Video

video - Steve, Mike and Phil from speak to the seven myths about streaming video on this edition of the Church Solutions

What's Your Reopening Plan for Your Church?

video - Phil Thompson and Michael Gray speak with Paul Steinbrueck about important things to consider when reopening church during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Doing Church During Covid -19 Times

video - Creative ways to do church during the Covid-10 Pandemic is our topic on the Church Solutions Podcast with Steve lacy, Phil Thompson and Michael Gray.